Style Sheets

Part 6 - Classification Properties

There are 3 main Classification Properties: display, white-space and list-style-type. In this section we will discuss each in turn.

  • display

    This property has four possible values: block, inline, list-item and none. It applies to all elements, <strong> has been use in this example.

    <style type='text/css'>
    body { background-color: #000000; font-family: comic sans ms }
    <body text=blue>
    <p>This is
    <strong style="color: white; display: block">block</strong> then
    <strong style="color: white; display: block">block</strong> then
    <strong style="color: white; display: inline">inline</strong> then
    <strong style="color: white; display: inline">inline</strong> then
    <strong style="color: white; display: list-item">list-item</strong> and
    <strong style="color: white; display: list-item">list-item</strong>

  • white-space

    The white space property can have the values: normal and pre. This applies to all block-level elements.

    <style type='text/css'>
    body { background-color: #000000; font-family: comic sans ms }
    <body text=blue>
    <p>This is pre
    <ul style="color: white; white-space: pre">
    <li>First list item
    <li>Second list item
    <p>This is normal
    <ul style="color: white; white-space: normal">
    <li>First list item
    <li>Second list item

    In this case you can see that pre adds a blank line before each list item.

  • list-style-type

    This determines what style of list item is displayed: disc, circle, square, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha or none.

    <style type='text/css'>
    body { background-color: #000000; font-family: comic sans ms }
    <body text=blue>
    <p>This is square:
    <ul style="color: white; list-style-type: square">
    <li>First list item
    <li>Second list item

In the next section we will learn about Positioning Properties.

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